Foreign Current Account

Grow Your Savings Safely with
Foreign Current Account 

If you want to evaluate your foreign currency savings, and also make money transfers in foreign currency, the Foreign Current Account is right next to you. If you are not a customer of Near East Bank yet, just visit the nearest Near East Bank Branch.

The Advantages of
Foreign Current Account

You can easily do your shopping with CardPlus POS devices.
You can easily make your money transfer transactions in foreign currency.
You can direct your salary to our bank, and withdraw cash at our nearest branch at any time.
You can quickly perform all your banking transactions such as money transfer, EFT and international money transfer transactions between your accounts or to different accounts.
If you are not a customer of Near East Bank yet, just visit the nearest Near East Bank Branch!

Things to know about
Foreign Current Account

  • Identity card
  • Certificate of residence
  • Right after the necessary documents are signed and submitted to the Near East Bank Customer Respresentative, your application will be made instantly.
  • Our bank does not accept deposits or participation funds from domestic residents on behalf of its branches, headquarters and companies abroad or other banks or non-bank financial institutions.
  • Savings deposits in banks are covered by the Savings Deposit Insurance and Financial Stability Fund insurance, up to EUR 20,000,- (Twenty Thousand Euros) for each account as of June 1, 2005.

Visit our nearest branch immediately
to start growing your savings safely.

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