With the Education Loan, you can quickly find financial solutions for your educational needs and expenses.
Loan that makes your educational dreams come true.
With Near East Bank Education Loan, you can finance all kinds of educational needs such as private school, university, or private course fees, and benefit from the educational opportunities you desire. Your 2023-2024 Academic Year Education Loan, which is valid for all schools with an advantageous interest rate that will ease your budget in school payments, is waiting for you.
Features of
Education Loan
Things to know about
Education Loan
Maturity | Filing Expenses | Amount | Interest Rate |
0-12 | 0,5% | Up to 400.00 TL | 45,00% |
Interested in Education Loan ?
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Interested in Education Loan ?
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You can now realize your education
dreams with an education loan.
Near East Bank is here
for all your needs